Monday, July 28, 2008

Speeches and the end of T.I.P

Life back at Beida fen xiao is going well, but sadly, T.I.P. is almost over!

The graduation ceremony is tomorrow morning, and tonight we had a huge party and went into town and had dinner and then KTV!

It was great fun and I wish that time was not running out!
Everything seems like it happened so fast!

In the next few days I plan to travel a little in Beijing and meet up with my dear friend Becca when she arrives here with her church!

I guess I didn't write very much right now... but it's late and that's about all I have to say for now!



Humercenary said...

I am blessed by seeing God touch your heart - and when you return I can't wait to hear these stories in person. God has opened your heart and eyes and put a love in you that will never fade.

Anonymous said...

Hey Morgalina! Sounds like God is doing an amazing work in your heart and life, stretching indeed! Just curious what is KTV?

Heather said...

I just got a look at some of your pictures and they're amazing. We'll have to have a get together in the Nast and you can just talk. haha and we'll just listen in amazement.

I'm sorry that it will be over so soon, but I'm glad that you have learned so much. It's well worth the sadness of coming home again, hmm?