Sunday, July 13, 2008

To Sichuan and beyond

Today we went to Haidian church again in Beijing, and tonight was a very wonderful night because all of our classes preformed for the talent show and it was a quite hilarious and happy experience! My class even had a song that mentioned me. I felt really special. :)

But, well, right now I am trying to get things all prepared and settled at TIP because...

I am going to Sichuan!

That's right, tomorrow morning at 8 am I am going to take a 27 hour train ride to the center of China in order to help with the earthquake relief efforts.

Man this trip changes everything...
It will be sad and strange leaving all of the people here at TIP and leaving my students during the second week of their session, the good news though is that I will be back to see them them again, but the weirdest thing will be leaving the structure and environment here on campus.

I won't have internet for about a week so I won't be updating this blog! But everything will be well I think, just keep me in thoughts your prayers!

Also a shout out to my dad - It's his birthday next week but I might not get to wish him happy birthday on the actual day!
So Happy Birthday!


Heather said...

Hey Morgan, I'm praying for you.

A-ron said...

Wow, sounds like a huge step of faith! I'll be praying as well.

Cassandra said...

Man, be safe. Please.

Cassandra said...

I tagged you in a little memo-survey thing, if you wanted to do it and China-fy it. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Hi,sounds you are having a great time in China.
Pray for you.
Take care